“We may observe, with as much sadness as irony that outside of Africa, south of the Sahara where education is still a difficult challenge, the only places on earth known not to provide free pubic education are Communist China, North Vietnam, Sarawak, Singapore, British Honduras— and Prince Edward County Virginia.”
— Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, 1963
A bomb severely damaged a Negro church today during Sunday school services, killing four Negro girls and setting off racial rioting and other violence in which two Negro boys were shot to death.
“I have opportunities for qualified teachers in Prince Edward County for immediate employment. Please direct qualified people to come to Farmville for an interview. Your urgent attention is necessary if we are to open our schools on September 16. Your help, please.”
— Neil Sullivan Letter
“Chief Justice Warren asked, ‘May I ask about those little colored children who have been without education? Have they had freedom?'
‘They've had liberties,' responded J. Segar Gravatt,
attorney for Prince Edward County.”
“And freedom to go through life without an education," the Chief Justice said.
— exchange during the griffin hearing at the U.S. supreme court